Primary Resource EAL / ESL Dual Language Books

The Resources, Primary, EAL / ESL Dual-Language Book, is a book that gives children the first stepping stones of the language used in education, from numbers and colours, days of the week to exciting games.

Each book is bright and clear, English is always in blue and the child’s home language is in green, this makes language identification easier. An ideal tool to send home to parents.

Why EAL support is Important in Primary Schools

Often when an EAL pupil arrives at a new primary school, the school doesn’t have the specialist dedicated language teachers and support network required to teach the student effectively.

People utilise English in almost every aspect of their lives, necessitating a high level of comprehension. Aside from that, English is used often in their daily lives. So today, we will outline the importance of EAL support in primary schools to assist multilingual pupils in your classroom.

Boost academic achievement

Students are more likely to accomplish their required level when they feel supported and are given assistance with EMAS UK’s EAL resources in understanding and using the language of their curriculum (or above). This is beneficial to both the individual and the school’s overall achievement levels. Due to their resilience and higher-level abstract thinking skills that come from speaking many languages, EAL pupils who have received sufficient support often outperform monolingual students in school. Higher self-esteem results from the student feels supported and fully involved in the class.

  1. Assisting to eliminate discrimination

Schools are required and scored for their Ofsted not to discriminate against any particular group of students and have standardised methods to assist EAL pupils. Our view is that EAL students should always be treated as essential members of mainstream classrooms and taught as such with the same curriculum. You are more likely to help close achievement disparities and improve life chances by doing this.

  1. Stronger and better learning environments

According to research, pupils from a multi-language background have a higher ability to think creatively and use higher-order cognitive thinking skills. Working memory and attention spans are usually better and stronger among bilingual and multilingual students. As a result, having EAL students in your class may motivate the rest of your class to pay attention and focus. 

  1. Better home-school relationships

Parents are more likely to have a positive relationship with you if they believe their children are being supported fully at school. Often parents do not engage outside their communities, so they may not have good English comprehension.

EMAS UK brings in EAL resources for primary schools to offer children the first stepping stones of the language for education, ranging from numbers and colours, weekdays counting, to exciting games. For more information about their EAL resources for primary schools, visit


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